Tuesday 2 April 2013

April Calendar link

Well, I'm hopelessly behind with my calendar at the moment, so I have nothing to show (tsk tsk!!). Don't worry, I've been here before and I always manage to catch up :-) Life's just been way too hectic...
But for those of you who are always ready on time (you know who you are!) the link for this month can be found below, so link away!

Don't forget about the calendar facebook group - over 500 members now, and a very active, creative, friendly and supportive group it is too.

And also the calendar group here on Flickr.

I'll see you soon with my calendar pages (promise!)


  1. I need to finish mine too! Where does the time go Kate! Michelle x

  2. we all have times when the harder we work the more behind we get. i'm not quite sure how that happens - but it does. have a great day kate!

  3. Very cool! I used to make a calendar page in my diary at times, when I needed to feel in control of days but didn't have a real calendar. So much fun to fill those squares!

  4. It's good hear that I'm not the only one, falling way behind with my projects. Hope you'll find some time to get your page completed soon.


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